50,000kg carbon-offset chance running

Last week marked a milestone for the Chance community as, together, we passed 50,000kg of carbon offset with our partner Gold Standard since our launch in August 2022.

Our most important KPIs (key planetary impacts) are tied to the environmental programs that are a cornerstone of our brand - so hitting 50,000kg is both humbling and a huge motivation to go further.


Trees planted with Tree Nation Chance Running

Our environmental programs automatically trigger when you, the Chance community, purchase Chance kit - so we really do mean 'WE' are making this difference. As consumers every item we wear is a vote for one practice or another. At Chance we're excited to offer the running community the ability to vote for the environment and together we are making a tangible impact, however small, to the world of sports apparel - including planting over 1,700 trees with our partner Tree Nation so far (join the mailing list and we will plant one on your behalf, no questions asked).


Ocean-bound plastic Chance Running


With your support, we will continue to create the world’s finest running apparel, capable of meeting the demands of the toughest trail races on the planet, whilst not damaging it in the process - proving that high-performance does not need to come at a high cost to the environment. In fact, we want to prove that high-performance kit can have a POSITIVE effect on the world in which we run.

Since launch, we have focused on using recycled fabrics in our product range and, in the same time, have removed over 250kg of ocean-bound plastic from the most precious eco-system on the planet with CleanHub

Thank you to everyone who has been part of the journey so far. We're just getting started.

Written by Christian Meier

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